Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A-Z of 2011

Wishing You a Merry & Bright 2012!
Another year of blessings and gratitude
Baking or at least tempting, now that Sandy can turn on an oven
Cheering on Elvis' favorite football and basketball teams
Dang dogs! We have 3: Gixxer, Izzy, and Sophie
Eleven months until we can potty train Mila.
Favorite TV show - Modern Family!
Great summer at the lake
Hungry - Mila must eat when she wakes up!
In love with our life
Just helped our electricity bill by adding a wood stove to the house. It's toasty!
K-State fan, Elvis, is excited to play Arkansas in the Cotton Bowl
Love...we always let each other know how much we love each other.
Movies are hard to watch with a 1 year old...but we still attempt them.
Naps are short, but necessary...for everyone
One! Mila turned one on December 4th
Photos - realize we take tons and now need to get all 2,000 printed...
Quiet time is hard to come by these days.
Rinse and Repeat. We finally have the hang of changing diapers
Survivors! We made it through our first year of parenting.
Twilight...that's right, Sandy is the only Twilight fan in the family.
University of Arkansas...Sandy goes back to school.
Van? No thanks. 
Walking...Mila took her first step on November 17th
Xtremely honored to have a wonderful family
Yes, we could use a vacation

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

a teeny cake, a ton of fun, a tiny girl is turning one!

Mila turned one on December 4th. We celebrated with friends and family on December 3rd. She had a cookies and cake theme birthday party. She wasn't too sure about opening gifts, but she managed to make it through. She couldn't decide if she wanted to eat the cake or not, but she finally put her hands in it and ate tons of icing. She finally stuffed a huge piece of cake in her mouth. She had both cheeks full! We are definitely thankful to have a healthy and happy baby girl!